Health Practitioner Workshops

Group Class

One day training for health practitioners that work with pre and postnatal women.

Currently, Australia’s birth statistics point toward unacceptable levels of intervention. One in three women are experiencing birth trauma and we have one of the highest Cesarean rates in the world.

How can you help women be better informed about their choices? How can you offer greater support to woman postnatally who have experienced atraumatic birth? How can you help change birth practices to focus on wellness for both mother and baby through pregnancy, birth and beyond?

You will learn:

  • The benefits of Natural Birth for Mother and baby
  • Current Australian statistics of interventions & birth outcomes
  • Understanding the induction process and ways
    to prevent or best work with inductions
  • The impact of pain medication in Labour
  • How best to support and inform your clients
  • Emotional and psychological impact of birth
  • Understanding hormones in the prenatal and post-natal period
  • Supporting mothers who have experienced birth trauma
  • Postnatal Care for Mother and Baby

Below is a list of current workshop dates available:

As a practitioner of 10 years, I learnt so much about how to improve my support with the pregnant women I treat. I realised that I have the perfect opportunity to impart information and resources that could benefit the women that I work with to have a positive birth experience and a better entry into motherhood.

Elise (Osteopath)

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